The positioning of the future. A new paradigm due to the implications of voice search
voice search, voice assistants, smart speaker, SEO, SEMAbstract
Within its multiple applications, The Voice Searches have gained great importance when it comes to positioning on the internet by changing the way content is presented and information is searched.
This study analyzes the concept of Voice Search, its main features and most used applications. Then, an in-depth investigation is carried out on the repercussions of voice searches divided into two parts: The first deals with the impact of voice on the current content within the organic positioning; in the second, new voice advertising models are proposed that replace the current pay per click and an optimization strategy is carried out within the cosmetic sector for Search focused on this type of search.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Raquel Arganza Salcedo, Miriam Arroyo López
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.