Empirical analysis of the impact of strategic human resources management practices on business growth


  • Richard Mababu Mukiur Profesor de Psicología Social del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones. Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)




strategic management of human resources, business growth, innovation, knowledge management


The present study analyzes the relationship between the practices of strategic management of human resources, innovation, knowledge management and the growth of the company. In this context, the purpose of the study has been the analysis of the impact of management practices and strategic management of human resources on the growth of the company, as well as the mediating effects of organizational innovation and knowledge management. To achieve this objective, different appropriate instruments have been used and administered to 460 participants of a company in the telecommunications sector. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis and the Pearson correlations have been the main techniques used for data analysis. The results obtained present and identify the highly significant correlations between the practices of strategic management of human resources and perceived business growth (subjective) and real business growth (objective). Likewise, resource practices are seen as good predictors of business growth. Furthermore, it is highlighted that innovation and knowledge management have the effect of mediating the relationship between strategic human resources management practices and business growth. Some practical implications and future lines of research have been proposed.


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How to Cite

Mababu Mukiur, R. (2018). Empirical analysis of the impact of strategic human resources management practices on business growth. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (427), 219–252. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2018.1512