Training for unemployed policy in Spain: An essential measure for the improvement of employability


  • Joan Antoni Alujas Ruiz Profesor del Departamento de Política Económica. Universidad de Barcelona (España)



training for unemployed, insertion rate and coverage rate


Our study focuses on the analysis of training for unemployed as a key active policy in Spain. After reviewing the evolution of normative framework we analyze the results of training for unemployed in terms of their subsequent recruitment and labour insertion rates by gender, age, educational level and sector in the period 2004-2013. Comparison of the distribution of the trainees with the distribution of unemployed job seekers and coverage rates will allow us to point out how training affects different groups.

The most obvious conclusion from the analysis of the results at national level is the fall in insertion rates and in coverage of unemployed in training during the period under review, certainly determined by the labour market situation arising of economic crisis.

Relevance of the topic is reflected in the emphasis given in the training for unemployed in Spanish Activation Strategy for Employment 2014-2016 and its development in Royal Decree-Law 4/2015 for urgent reform of the system of vocational training for employment in the labour field, with the aim of improving employability of the trainees and in order to increase their chances of finding employment.


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How to Cite

Alujas Ruiz, J. A. (2015). Training for unemployed policy in Spain: An essential measure for the improvement of employability. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (385), 133–154.