The «expected» Regulation of Immigration: major developments in the regulation of temporary residence and work for an employee of the Royal Decree 557/2011 of 20 april


  • Olimpia Molina Hermosilla Profesora Titular de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad de Jaén (España)
  • Raquel Vela Díaz Becaria de Investigación. Área de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad de Jaén (España)



employment policy, immigration policy, legislation on immigration, temporary residence, work permit for employed persons


Following the reform of the immigration regulations through an Organic Act 2/2009 of December 11, and almost a year late, has seen the light the final text of the new Regulation of the Immigration Act. By means of Royal Decree 557/2011, of April 20, a standard that is born lined with the nature of essentiality for the development of the various procedures for the management and the appropriate articulation of the migratory phenomenon in our country, in the light of the referrals numerous and far-reaching that it dedicates the aforementioned Organic Law 2/2009. So much so, this reform came to raise new questions and leave open others, pending that were solved by the regulation of development.

For this reason, this paper aims to address some of the most important labor developments incorporated in the new Immigration Regulations, in relation to the authorization of temporary residence and employment, as this is one of the issues that most impact can have in the design of the new immigration policy that is articulated through this set of normative standards.


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How to Cite

Molina Hermosilla, O., & Vela Díaz, R. (2011). The «expected» Regulation of Immigration: major developments in the regulation of temporary residence and work for an employee of the Royal Decree 557/2011 of 20 april. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (344), 95–126.

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