Antecedents of innovation culture: levers for change the model of growth and competitiveness


  • Fernando José Pons Verdú Doctor en Psicología de las Organizaciones Investigador del IDOCAL Profesor del CEF (España)
  • José Ramos López Catedrático de Psicología del Trabajo y las Organizaciones de la Universidad de Valencia Investigador del IDOCAL y del IVIE (España)



innovation, organizational culture, leadership, Human Resources practices, organizational design


Innovation has become in recent years an important drive for growth, success and wealth for companies and nations. Its relevance lead to different disciplines to propose theories about factors that facilitate innovation. Recent transnational studies suggest that organizational culture is, beyond other factors, the main facilitator of firm's innovation ability. Done the importance that innovation culture seems to have on business and countries' competitiveness, it's interesting to know what are its main antecedent factors. This study analyses the relationship of innovation culture with other individual and organizational variables, and afford different models explaining around 60% of the innovation culture variance. Satisfaction and job stability as psychological processes, and inspirational leadership, job demands and HR participation practices and information sharing, as situational variables, have been shown to be important factors to promote the culture of innovation. From a theoretical and applied perspective, the results help to understand the construct and provide three models to promote the innovation culture in organizations. These results may be useful in the organizational design of innovative companies or organizations that intend to make of innovation a competitive advantage.


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How to Cite

José Pons Verdú, F., & Ramos López, J. (2011). Antecedents of innovation culture: levers for change the model of growth and competitiveness. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (343), 187–222.