Job placement outcomes in Spain: a public-private comparison


  • Joan Antoni Alujas Ruiz Profesor del Departamento de Política Económica. Universidad de Barcelona (España)



placement services, market share, registration rate, success rate


Our study focuses on the analysis and evaluation of the labour mediation role of the public and private services in Spain. After reviewing its evolution and configuration we analyse the results of the Public Employment Service (PES) job placement and its comparison with that made by private services [temporary work agencies (TWA)]. This analysis will allow us to determine the effectiveness of the PES and TWA as intermediaries in the labour market, noting differences by gender, age and educational level. The analysis of the scope of labour mediation activities in Spain covering the period 2005-2010, ie after the introduction of the new methodology SISPE in the statistics of PES.

The most obvious conclusion to be derived from analysis of the results at national level is the low incidence of SPE as an intermediary in the labour market and its distance from the results recorded by the TWA.

The relevance of this issue is reflected in the labour market reform adopted in September 2010 and in the reform of active labour market policies in February, opting for a quicker access to job seekers through the PES network and individualised attention and assistance, as well as public-private partnership with the incorporation of for-profit private agencies to the job placement services.


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How to Cite

Alujas Ruiz, J. A. (2011). Job placement outcomes in Spain: a public-private comparison. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (340), 165–184.