Entrepreneur Behavior: Study on the Entrepreneurs' Personal Characteristics in SMEs


  • Richard Mababu Mukiur Profesor de Psicología del Trabajo. Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)




entrepreneurs, personal characteristics, entrepreneurship, employees, occupational status


Social and behavioral sciences such as economics, sociology or psychology, which carry out researches on entrepreneurship, emphasize the role that entrepreneurs play in the economy growth, in social stability and welfare. Authors particularly highlight some characteristics linked to personality which lead to business success and growth, such as the need for achievement, creativity and initiative, optimism, self-confidence, risk management capacity, locus of control, etc. In this context, this study compares the attitudes of 200 entrepreneurs and 200 employees on the perception of entrepreneurs’ personal characteristics, using the Entrepreneurial Attitude Scale. Hotelling’s T2 Test, Discriminant Analysis and Regression Analysis have been used as main statistical analysis tools. The results of this study show that the differences in occupational status between entrepreneurs and employees imply likewise differences in the preception of the entrepreneurs attitude characteristics. Entrepreneurs stress on creativity, optimism and luck or fortune as characteristics of succesful entrepreneurs; meanwhile, employees point out self-confidence, tolerance and sense of humor. Important implications for policy makers and future research are made, mainly from the prespective of training young people in entrepreneurship. Further researches are required to build on this work by including more variables of study and by improving the analysis of entrepreneur’s characteristics.


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How to Cite

Mababu Mukiur, R. (2010). Entrepreneur Behavior: Study on the Entrepreneurs’ Personal Characteristics in SMEs. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (324), 131–164. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2010.5331