No time to waste: the recovery of dispersed talents as a driver of competitiveness




human capital drain, talent recovery, business improvement, competitive advantage, skills enhancement


In recent years, we have seen a steady outflow of young people from our country, mostly with tertiary education, in search of better job opportunities in other territories. Traditionally, this phenomenon has been analyzed from a perspective of pessimistic resignation, trying to estimate the damage that this flight of qualified human capital has for our economy and our society. However, it has been ignored that a significant part of these young people acquire during their stay abroad a series of knowledge and experiences that allow them to return with greater skills and abilities. In fact, international experience is generally considered a valuable resource by both the labour market and the workers themselves.

This paper addresses this outstanding task, the analysis of the potential for improving the personal and professional training of individuals through an international experience. Through a study carried out among more than 300 Spanish people who emigrated to other countries, the perception of acquiring a series of skills and abilities that can be determining for the improvement of the competitive potential of our companies is confirmed. The results obtained indicate the existence of an important source of dispersed and unappreciated competitive advantage, of transcendent importance not only for individuals themselves, but also for companies and public administrations, for the recovery of this important human capital.


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How to Cite

Bastida Domínguez, M., & Vaquero García, A. (2021). No time to waste: the recovery of dispersed talents as a driver of competitiveness. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (464), 197–232.

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