Organisational resilience: the power of compassion and altruism




compassion, altruism, organizational resilience, firm performance


Recently, the need for a paradigm shift in organisational science has been exposed, which includes a shift from egocentrism to interconnectedness. This new, emerging, humanistic management paradigm considers that organisational members are not only motivated by self-interest, but also by other-centred values such as altruism and compassion for others. This alternative proposition raises the need for a more humanistic perspective to business management. Based on this approach, in this study we explore the consequences of compassion and altruism in the workplace for promoting firm performance, using organisational resilience as a mediating variable. To this end, we apply structural equation modelling to a sample of highly innovative firms from different industries. The results confirm that feeling the suffering of others leads to a work climate based on altruism. And this climate makes individuals in the organisation more resilient to change, which increases the performance of the company. This study therefore advances the literature by uncovering some of the benefits of promoting compassion and altruism in organisations.

Supporting Agencies

Los autores agradecen a la Universidad Jaume I (ref. UJI-A2019-22), a la Generalitat Valenciana (ref. GV/2021/088) y al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación español (ref. PID2020-116299GB-I00) su apoyo financiero para la realización de este proyecto de investigación. Asimismo, Zina Barghouti agradece a la Universidad Jaume I la financiación de su beca predoctoral (FPI UJI).


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How to Cite

Barghouti Abrini, Z., Guinot Reinders, J., & Chiva Gómez, R. (2022). Organisational resilience: the power of compassion and altruism. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (466), 251–277.