Integration of gender gaps: beyond RETA pensions?

Regarding Social Court Ruling Num. 1 of Granada 434/2022, of 13 October




integration of contribution gaps, gender, Social Security, regulatory basis, systemic legal reform, the work of caring, productive work


Once again, through a sentence, the demand for a profound correction of the Social Security Law in terms of gender is evident. This perspective has been highlighted once again in the judgment of the Social Court Num. Granada 1, 434/2022, October 13. Indeed, rather than a flexible interpretation of the regulatory norms, it leads to a corrective reading, rewriting its meaning based on equality between women and men, specifically, about the technique of integration of contribution gaps. Precisely, it equates the situations assimilated to registration as a job seeker to those of absence of such registration in periods dedicated to reproductive work, not so much because of their biological condition as women but because of gender. That is, due to the sexist social and cultural construction created around it, especially when it comes to sharing the work of caring.


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How to Cite

González Cobaleda, E. (2023). Integration of gender gaps: beyond RETA pensions? Regarding Social Court Ruling Num. 1 of Granada 434/2022, of 13 October. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (472), 206–216.

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