Female football players' strike on their labor agreement: the «awakening» of the collective working relationships


  • Pilar Conde Colmenero Profesora titular de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad Isabel I (España)




female sport, women soccer players, equality, strike, collective negotiation


Female sports are going through several changes in labour matters provided that, in the last years, players take a stand and claim for their rights, both individual and collective. The recent strike of the Spanish female football players derived from the difficulties to reach common points in the talks of their first collective agreement has no precedents in our country. This pressure measure that the Spanish female football players have carried out is a good reason to think about the incipient exercise of collective rights (the right to go on strike and the right to sign a collective agreement) amongst sportswomen, which adds up to the crowd of claims coming from several players belonging to different sports (standing out against clubs, federations and sports organizations) who ask for contracts that can guarantee them worthy working conditions, equal to those their fellow male colleagues enjoy.


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How to Cite

Conde Colmenero, P. (2020). Female football players’ strike on their labor agreement: the «awakening» of the collective working relationships. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (443), 121–136. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2020.1122

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