Res iudicata in collective redundancies and the European Union law


  • Yolanda Maneiro Vázquez Profesora contratada doctora de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)



res iudicata, European Union law, legal certainty, collective redundancy


Despite being one of the most classical procedural institutions, res iudicata continues to be the source of numerous debates in the field of the labour process. Among them, those that stand out are those derived from the effectiveness of the sentence that resolves the collective dismissal challenged by the legal or union representatives of the workers on subsequent individual litigation (art. 124.13 b) LRJS) and its problems of articulation with the fundamental right to effective judicial protection of the plaintiff worker, who lacks the legitimacy to challenge said dismissal or even adhere to the collective demand.

The possible infringement of the worker's right to effective judicial protection by article 124.13 b) LRJS goes beyond the scope of national regulation (art. 24.1 EC) and extends to the protection of this fundamental right by European Union law, in particular article 47 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. Jurisprudential criticism of this situation has even led to the submission of a preliminary question to the Court of Justice, which was inadmissible by the Colino Sigüenza judgment through a very poor and questionable argument, which has not silenced the internal jurisprudential criticisms. The aim of this work is to give an account of this new vision of res iudicata from the point of view of its integration into European Union law, the guarantee of which comes precisely from limiting its regulation by national laws when this imposes excessive restrictions which could limit the effectiveness of the law.

Supporting Agencies

Este trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades: «Retos del Derecho del Trabajo español ante la doctrina del Tribunal de Justicia en materia de política social y derechos fundamentales», con referencia RTI2018-097917-B-100


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How to Cite

Maneiro Vázquez, Y. (2020). Res iudicata in collective redundancies and the European Union law. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (443), 65–96.

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