Judge from a gender perspective, and with a child's perspective, risk benefits during breastfeeding. Judgment of the High Court of Justice of the Canary Islands 1339/2019, of 17 December


  • Glòria Poyatos i Matas Magistrada especialista de la Sala de lo Social del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Canarias (Las Palmas, España)




child's perspective, gender perspective, natural breastfeeding


The relevance of the judgment analyzed, in terms of risk during breastfeeding, lies in the integration of the child's perspective, under the primary consideration of the «best interests of the child», especially relevant when weighing rights that are contrasted. To the previous hermeneutics, the gender perspective and the updated assessment of the biological status of the working mother are added, since natural breastfeeding carries with it important hormonal changes in the body of women.


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How to Cite

Poyatos i Matas, G. (2020). Judge from a gender perspective, and with a child’s perspective, risk benefits during breastfeeding. Judgment of the High Court of Justice of the Canary Islands 1339/2019, of 17 December. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (443), 109–119. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2020.1142

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