Good news on the occasion of the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks

A vueltas con la acreditación de los Servicios de Prevención y otras cuestiones sobre el nuevo Cuerpo de Subinspectores Laborales especializados en seguridad y salud en el trabajo


  • Pilar Conde Colmenero Profesora Titular de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad Católica de Murcia (España)



prevention of occupational risk, foreign services of prevention, accreditation and labor subinspectors of safety, health in the work


The present studio attempts to address, with the occasion of the Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks anniversary this 2015, two recent normative remodellings that come to improve the regulation of several relevant issues in the labour security and health fields in our country. One of them deals with the interest that raises the clarification of some aspects related to the accreditation of the Prevention Services – unwary of the labour authority in order to the reaffirmation of the principle of market unity (by the publication of the RD 899/2015, October 9th, which modifies the RD 39/1997 that approves the Regulation of the Prevention Services), and the other, concerning the importance of the creation of a Scale of Assistant Inspectors of Labour Security and Health belonging to the Labour Assistant Inspector of Work and Social Security Body (at the mercy of the brand-new Law 23/2015, July 21st, Regulator of the Inspection of Work and Social Security System).

The balance of the modifications introduced by the legislator is positive, provided that it will surely favour both the functioning and the intervention of the Prevention Services, in order to reaffirm the market unity, as it will also serve, in the same non-collaborative line with the territorial fragmentation and guarantor of the exclusive estate competencies, with the aim of controlling and watch in a more suitable way the compliance of the wide obligations in matter of labour security and health by the establishment in the Inspection of Work and Social Security a Scale of Labour Assistant Inspectors specialized in the area. In both laws resides the interest of raising the quality and efficiency levels in the scope of the prevention, as well as the purpose of remarking the territorial unity in the social and labour matter, although it is honest to point out certain critical aspects of these legislative initiatives.


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How to Cite

Conde Colmenero, P. (2016). Good news on the occasion of the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks: A vueltas con la acreditación de los Servicios de Prevención y otras cuestiones sobre el nuevo Cuerpo de Subinspectores Laborales especializados en seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (395), 65–86.

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