Minor athletes working tutelage debate: Present issues about players recruiting and transfers


  • Pilar Conde Colmenero Profesora Titular de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad Isabel I Miembro del Comité de Justicia Deportiva de la Región de Murcia (España)




working age, minors’ work, professional sportsperson, player recruitment, precontract, international transfers


The present work intends to deal with some of the issues that surround the activities related with the minors and their role in sports, even more now provided that, lately, we have come to know some practices carried out by certain clubs –linked with players transfers and young promises– that are far from orthodox. In order to understand this realities that threaten to stain the image of sports and also with the aim of mediating and getting legal solutions, suitable for labor tutelage, there is no better way than check and reappraise the legal parameters where the minor athletes activity must be carried out –always having in mind issues such as the legislative changes undertaken by our country about children protection, the modification of federative regulations that protect the minors’ rights, the controversial precontract practices– quite common amongst the clubs- and the clarifying resolutions of judges and international institutions which are specialised in this matter. The presumed irregularities that occur both in the signing and the recruitment of minors have put under suspicion the actions of certain well-known clubs. Clubs that, nevertheless, pretend to carry the banner for the sporting values.


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How to Cite

Conde Colmenero, P. (2017). Minor athletes working tutelage debate: Present issues about players recruiting and transfers. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (410), 55–84. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2017.1868

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