The express digitisation of public employment services: challenges from a comparative perspective
intermediation, public employment services, digitalization, COVID-19Abstract
Public and private providers of employment services play an important and fundamental role in the performance of labour markets in this crisis. However, the most difficult role is that of the public employment services, which have to be agile to adapt quickly to the new situation and adjust the flexibility of their response to answer the unpredictable events. First, they face an unprecedented influx of new job applicants with the impossibility of face-to-face care due to confinement restrictions. And on the other hand, the number of job offers decreases radically in many sectors, leaving the employment services with fewer vacancies to propose, and only some sectors related to the coverage of essential needs are saved. As the economic impact of the crisis unfolds, the demand for labour is likely to shift further between sectors and regions. Public employment services around the world need to adapt the way they work and their strategy in the short and medium term to help limit the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis on the labour market.
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