About the Journal

Published and Edited by: Centro de Estudios Financieros, SL
Bibliographical Information: ISSN: 2659-3904 / ISSN-e: 2792-405X and DOI: 10.51302/marketing 
Frequency: 2 issues per year, March 7 and November 7 of each year
Content access policy: Open access
Subjects: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations, Brand Consulting, Commercialization
Indexation: general description of the indexation information
Statistical Information: statistical analysis

The Revista de Marketing y Publicidad, published every six months by the Centro de Estudios Financieros, aims to serve the academic and professional communities in the field of Marketing and Advertising, providing new knowledge for the advancement of the science and practice of these disciplines. It covers research studies, academic projects and contributions, bibliographical reviews, and news of interest, both in Spanish and English.

Current Issue

Revista de Marketing y Publicidad N.º 10 Noviembre-Febrero 2024-2025
					View Revista de Marketing y Publicidad N.º 10 Noviembre-Febrero 2024-2025

Número de publicación anticipada in press

Published: 2024-05-23

Research studies

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