Psychological climate and organizational citizen shio behaviors: the role of the job satisfaction


  • Inmaculada Beltrán Martín Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Marketing Universitat Jaume I (España)
  • Vicente Roca Puig Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Marketing Universitat Jaume I (España)



psychological climate, organizational citizen behaviors, job satisfaction, quality of life at work survey, mediating effects


Organizational viability in complex, fast-changing, and turbulent economic times requires employee supra-role behavior, which cannot be prescribed or required in advance for a given job and that exceeds the roles and responsibilities defined by formal job descriptions. These behaviors are known as organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) and include any of the gestures that lubricate the social machinery of the organization but which do not directly inhere in the usual notion of task performance. Existing research considers that employee OCB at work is influenced by both cognitions, i.e., employees’ thoughts about work, and affect, that is employees’ feelings about work. In our study, we aim to integrate both antecedents of employee OCB into a framework which analyzes the extent to which the influence of the psychological climate (cognition) on OCB is mediated by job satisfaction (affect). Thus, our study complements previous research by introducing affect as a new component in the study of OCB, as we consider that job satisfaction plays an important role for employees who are assuming further responsabilities than those of formal job.We used a sample of 2,133 employees obtained from the Quality of Life at Work Survey conducted by the Spanish Ministry of Employment. We found evidence that the psychological climate has a positive influence on OCB (for instance, doing further efforts than those the organization requires). Furthermore, we demonstrated that the effect of psychological climate on OCB is due to higher employee job satisfaction levels.


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How to Cite

Beltrán Martín, I., & Roca Puig, V. (2010). Psychological climate and organizational citizen shio behaviors: the role of the job satisfaction. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (322), 103–128.

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